Cruise Co-Founder, President and CTO Kyle Vogt during his keynote at the Robotics Summit & Expo 2019.
Thank you for attending the Robotics Summit & Expo, held June 5-6 in Boston. Your attendance, along with the support of the Robotics Summit sponsors and the many keynotes, sessions and special events, contributed to the success of the event.
As a full conference attendee, member of the press, sponsor or speaker, you are entitled to download the Robotics Summit presentations below. To access the presentations, enter the password you received via email.
The download page will continue to be updated as additional presentations and videos become available. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to reach out to me at scrowe@wtwhmedia.com.
We look forward to seeing you next year at the Robotics Summit & Expo 2020 in Boston on September 24-25. Or perhaps we will see you even earlier at the following upcoming events produced by The Robot Report and parent company WTWH Media:
- Healthcare Robotics Engineering Forum – December 9-10, 2019 in Santa Clara, Calif.
- Robotics Summit & Expo West – June 8-11, 2020 – San Jose, Calif. co-located with the Sensors Expo.
Robotics Summit & Expo 2019 Presentations
[passster password=”THX1138″]Wednesday, June 5 Keynotes & Sessions
Keynote: Why Innovators are Flocking to 5G (And What You Should Do About It) – Slides | Video
Speaker: Joshua Ness, Senior Manager, Verizon 5G Labs
Keynote: Bringing AI-Powered Robots to Life – Slides | Video
Speaker: Deepu Talla, VP and GM, Autonomous Machines, NVIDIA
Keynote: The Role of the Cloud in the Future of Robotics – Slides | Video
Speaker: Roger Barga, General Manager, AWS Robotics and Autonomous Services, Amazon Web Services
Keynote: The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier – Slides | Video
Speaker: Dawn Tilbury, Head of the Directorate for Engineering, National Science Foundation and Professor, University of Michigan
Session: The Role of UX in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence – Video
Speakers: Hamid Badiozamani, Software Engineer, Brain Corporation; Di Le, Robotics Product Designer, Brain Corporation
Session: Challenges for the Modern Robotics Designer – Slides
Speaker: Bradley Sauln, Technical Services Engineer, Onshape
Session: Complete Motion Control System in Palm of Your Hand – Slides
Speaker: Brian Mason, West Coast Business Development Manager, Elmo Motion Control
Session: The Growing Pains of AGV Navigation – Slides
Speaker: Raghav Gupta, COO, Humatics
Session: Transitioning Robots From Design to Production – Slides | Video
Speakers: Andy McMillan, Advisory Board Chair, Cirtronics; Youssef Saleh, Founder and CEO, Ava Robotics; Matt Liba, Senior Director of Programs, FLIR Unmanned Ground Systems; David Askey, Co-Founder and CEO, Ascend Robotics
Session: Transitioning from Defense to Commercial Markets – Slides
Speaker: Parag Batavia, President, Neya Systems Division, Applied Research Associates
Session: Robotics Research for Practicality – Slides
Speaker: Dikai Liu, Distinguished Professor, Co-Director, Centre for Autonomous Systems, University of Technology Sydney
Session: 5 Ways ROS Drives Faster Deployment & Adoption – Slides | Videos
Speaker: Jason Walker, Co-Founder, CEO, Waypoint Robotics
Session: The Cerebral Side of Robotics – Slides
Speaker: Tim Rowland, CEO, Badger Technologies, a product division of Jabil

Packed show floor at the Robotics Summit & Expo.
Thursday, June 6 Keynotes & Sessions
Keynote: What to Expect in 2020 – Slides | Video
Speaker: Henrik Christensen, Qualcomm Chancellor’s Chair of Robot Systems, UC San Diego and Director, Contextual Robotics Institute UC San Diego
Keynote: Why Precision Maps Are Actually a Really Good Idea – Video
Speaker: Kyle Vogt, Co-Founder, President, CTO, Cruise
Session: Sole Agent Syndrome and Machine Learning for Human-like Behavior – Slides
Speaker: Russell Toris, Director of Robotics, Fetch Robotics
Session: The Rise of RaaS (Robotics-as-a-Service) – Slides
Speaker: Rob Coneybeer, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Shasta Ventures
Session: The Robotic Safety Landscape – What You Need to Know – Slides
Speaker: Ryan Braman, Test Engineering Manager, TUV Rheinland
Session: Navigating with 2D Safety LIDAR – Proper Application for Detection of Persons – Slides
Speaker: Tyler Glieden, Product Manager, SICK
Session: VSLAM is ready: Performant and Affordable Visual Positioning for Robots – Slides
Speaker: Dominick Vanthienen, VP Technology Innovation, Intermodalics
Session: Service Robots: The Path From Autonomous to Intelligent Robots – Slides
Speaker: Marcio Macedo, Co-Founder and VP of Product and Marketing, Ava Robotics
Session: User-Centered Robot Design – Slides
Speaker: Scott Stropkay, Partner, Essential Design
Keynote: How 5G Will Usher In a New Generation of Connected Robots – Slides | Video
Speaker: Dev Singh, Director of Business Development, Qualcomm Technologies
Thanks! We couldnot go to the SUMMIT because we didnot get VISA from VISA ,Maybe nextyear we can take part in .Could you give me the presentation of this SUMMIT.
Unfortunately, folks who didn’t attend the event won’t be receiving the password. It’s one of the benefits of attending the show. Hope to see you next year!
where I can find my password for “Robotics Summit & Expo 2019 Presentations”?
I regularly took part on this meeting. (with my phd student Robert Pastor)
(Petr Novak, Czech republic)
Petr, you should have received an email yesterday with the password. If you can’t find it, let me know at scrowe@wtwhmedia.com and I’ll email you the password.