Intel has a new sales partner for its RealSense depth cameras. Clearpath Robotics, a well-known developer of autonomous mobile robots for research and development, added the Intel RealSense depth camera line to its online Components Store.
The RealSense D415, D435, D435i, and D455 depth cameras are now available from Clearpath’s store, which launched in 2017. Clearpath has been using RealSense cameras for years. Clearpath told The Robot Report RealSense can provide a lot of value to its customers.
“The feature set, versatility and reliability is hard to match, especially at the current price points,” a Clearpath spokesperson said.
It’s unclear how many units Clearpath has to sell, but adding a sales partner, even if on a smaller scale, could be viewed as a positive given the recent tumultuous news about Intel winding down its RealSense business unit. In August 2021, Intel said it was winding down its RealSense business.
Many interpreted this news that all RealSense products were going away. However, Intel RealSense Group CTO Anders Grunnet-Jepsen released a contradicting statement that said the depth cameras will live on. Prior to Grunnet-Jepsen’s statement, one source at Intel RealSense told The Robot Report, “I don’t know how you wind down the RealSense business while still selling RealSense stereo products. This is very frustrating for us.” Another source from Intel RealSense said, “our team was not told ahead of time.”
“With Intel’s reassurance regarding the ongoing availability of the 400 series cameras, we don’t have any concerns and look forward to continuing to use these cameras,” added Clearpath’s spokesperson.
Clearpath sells a variety of other components in its online store, including IMUs, force sensors, inertial sensors, LiDAR sensors and more. The only other cameras it sells are from Teledyne FLIR. “We are always looking to add more products to our offering,” said Clearpath. “However, we have an extensive product selection process and only offer products that bring a unique value to the customer.”
Intel issued an end-of-life notice for its RealSense LiDAR, tracking and facial authentication products, meaning it will discontinue production of those products. Intel said the last date those products can be ordered will be Feb. 28, 2022. The last date any of these products will be shipped is March 31, 2022.
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