Since its inception in 2008, we’ve been compiling and vetting companies that manufacture robots or are directly involved in their making. Today that list has exceeded 4,000 manufacturers, integrators, service robot providers, startup companies, ancillary businesses and educational facilities.
The list is worldwide and free. It is somewhat limited by language and resources. Nevertheless, it is a comprehensive representation of companies around the world involved in making robots. [We only report one entry for companies that have many subsidiaries and branches or a large factory or distributor network.] Here are links to the directories and global map:
- The Global MapÂ
- The Directories
Job seekers, researchers and investors can quickly and freely find companies in their area of interest with links to their websites for further study. Click on a marker icon and a pop-up window will show the company name, category, speciality and URL.
The database is regularly updated and segmented into the following major categories:
- Industrial robot makers (344)
- Integrators (350)
- Service robots for governmental and corporate use (888)
- Service robots for personal and private use (205)
- Startup companies (592)
- Ancillary businesses (1,292)
- Educational and research facilities and organizations (332)
The database is still growing and can use your help. Please notify us of missing companies in your area. Use the global map, set the filter to “All” and enlarge the area to show all the entries in your area. Click on each one to get the company name, type and URL. Then send us an email with companies that are missing.
To Whom it may concern,
We are a manufacturing and automation integrator that is also focusing on robotic and AI based solutions. Our facility is located in Southern California.
If it is possible, I would like to know more about how to register as an integrator on your site. Also, I was curious about upcoming events and networking options should they be avaialble.
Appreciate the assistance!
Nick Reed
Business Development
Tablemation Solutions Inc.