The Robot Report's database of robotics-related companies, research facilities, schools, start-ups and ancillary businesses has grown to 3,000+ and is displayed free in our seven industry directories and global map.
Carefully compiled and vetted since 2007, global in coverage, and regularly updated for status changes, acquisitions and mergers, these directories have steadily grown to reflect the major sectors of the robotics industry:
- Ancillary Businesses (1062)
- Educational & Research Facilities and Organizations (292)
- Industrial Robots (293)
- Integrators (157)
- Service Robots for Governmental and Corporate Use (690)
- Service Robots for Personal and Private Use (125)
- Start Up Companies (393)
The database is still growing and can use your help. Please notify us of missing companies in your area. Use the global map, set the filter to “All” and enlarge the area to show all the entries in your area. Click on each one to get the company name, type and URL. Then send us an email with companies that are missing.
Below is an example of the global map enlarged to show the various robotics-related businesses around the city of Zurich. Do you see any that are missing?
[Please note that only the top 20 educational facilities are shown on the global map and, at the present time, ancillary businesses are not shown on the map either. Further note that we've attempted to show only one entry for companies that have many subsidiaries and branches or a large distributor network.]
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