The new Omron Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory at Northern Illinois University’s College of Engineering and Engineering Technology (CEET) was unveiled during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, April 19th.
Omron Foundation has donated both equipment and funding to create the new lab which will enhance instruction for mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering students, and enable collaboration on course work and senior design projects. With the addition of this lab, students will gain exposure to Omron technologies, allowing them to explore machine control, motion, vision and safety disciplines in the mechatronics field. Additionally, Omron SYSMAC technologies will be available to conduct new cutting edge industrial automation and robotics research within this laboratory.
Omron Foundation is proud of its longstanding support of NIU engineering students, beginning in 1989 with the establishment of the Omron Foundation Electronic Engineering Scholarship Fund. The foundation has supported various student engineering endeavors including Engineers without Borders, and continues to do so today with the establishment of this new laboratory.
Omron Foundation congratulates NIU CEET on its continued efforts to provide robust theory and practical application of engineering concepts with this new Robotics and Mechatronics lab.
OMRON Foundation
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