Two new Intl. Federation of Robotics (IFR) world robotics statistical reports covering 2012 with projections to 2016 were released today by the IFR and can be purchased separately or combined at prices beginning at $350.
The World Robotics Industrial Robotics 2013 report projects a high and continuing demand for industrial robots for many years to come and a 6% average sales gain per year. Regional variations suggest that North America, Brazil, South Korea and particularly the booming robot market in China will be the biggest purchasers.
The World Robotics Service Robots 2013 shows considerable growth in the logistic systems and medical robots marketplaces as defense spending declines. During the 4-year period from 2013 to and including 2016, new service robots for professional use will gross over $17 billion.
The IFR gets it's data from robotic associations in each country who poll their membership for the information. Data is also provided directly to the IFR by most major robot suppliers.
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