A 12-year-old boy whose right arm was amputated shortly after birth recently got the surprise of a lifetime.
Wyatt Farlardeau thought he was going backstage to meet his favorite music group, Blue Man Group, a prize his mother won in a contest. But this much more than a meet-and-greet.
Blue Man Group heard about Wyatt’s story and that he wanted a Blue Man Group-themed robotic arm. So they teamed up with Limbitless to develop a personalized 3D printed bionic arm just for Wyatt. The arm is decorated in the iconic blue paint-splattered look of Blue Man Group.
Watch the video below to see Wyatt go through a rush of emotions when he sees his Blue Man-themed robotic arm for the first time.
You can read more about Wyatt’s story here and here, but get the tissues ready.
Also, here are some photos of Limbitless measuring Wyatt for the robot arm.