Organization: Veo Robotics Inc.
Country: United States
State: MA
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 50
Veo's FreeMove is a vision system that allows standard industrial robots to operate more safely with humans.
Collaborative robot arms are typically smaller, less precise, and slower than industrial automation, but what if workcells could perform at peak speeds until they recognize a human entering the area? Veo Robotics’ FreeMove system is designed to enable manufacturers to make industrial robots conform to international safety standards for speed and separation monitoring.
FreeMove uses custom 3D time-of-flight sensors and computer vision. It includes the FreeMove Engine for identifying objects in a workcell. It also includes the FreeMove Studio proprietary software for self-service setup, configuration, and real-time visualization of FreeMove Engine data.
Waltham, Mass.-based Veo Robotics announced the availability of FreeMove last November. It also released the FreeMove Application Development Kit so that customers could evaluate the system on non-safety-rated hardware.