The latest Healthcare Robotics Startup Catalyst cohort is working with MassRobotics and its corporate partners and will present at the 2025 Robotics Summit & Expo.
RBR50 Spotlight: Exoskeleton improves walking for people with Parkinson’s disease
Researchers at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering developed a soft exoskeleton to help a person with Parkinson’s walk without freezing.
ReStore exo-suit donated by ReWalk to support stroke survivors at Brooks Rehabilitation
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the need for innovative systems for stroke rehabilitation, said ReWalk Robotics, which donated a ReStore exo-suit to Brooks Rehabilitation.
Phoenix Instinct team wins $1M first prize in Toyota Mobility Unlimited Challenge
Phoenix Instinct, one oof the five finalists in the Mobility Unlimited Challenge run by the Toyota Mobility Foundation and Nesta Challenges,
MATE-XT exoskeleton designed by Comau to be lightweight, adjustable, rugged
Comau said its new MATE-XT exoskeleton is designed to be resistant to environmental conditions, is EWS-certified for reducing biomechanical risk, and can provide a demonstrable ROI.
EvoWalk, Quix teams talk about progress in Toyota Mobility Unlimited Challenge
The Toyota Unlimited Mobility Challenge will soon announce the winner of the $1 million first prize, and we caught up with the two U.S.-based teams among the five finalists working on EvoWalk and Quix wearable devices.
Wearable robots are ready to leave the lab, says Harvard researcher Conor Walsh
In his RoboBusiness Direct session, recognized Harvard University professor Conor Walsh will examine how his team or researchers have developed soft, wearable robotics for industrial use.
Ironhand soft robotic glove uses FAULHABER drives to help reduce worker strain
FAULHABER’s 1741 … CXR series DC micromotors provide power to Bioservo Technologies’ Ironhand wearable glove. The exoskeleton is designed to reduce worker strain.
Robotic neck brace uses sensors, actuators to restore ALS patient functions
A robotic brace that supports the neck during its natural motion is the first device shown to dramatically assist ALS patients in holding their heads and actively supporting them during range of motion.
Wearable device could improve communication between humans, robots
Researchers at in Houston, Boulder, and Nanjing, China, have developed a soft nanomembrane that could help people with wearable devices operate them more smoothly.
Myomo scales up production, training for MyoPro device for upper-body mobility
Myomo is working with contract manufacturers for its MyoPro assistive devices, which use sensors, algorithms, and motors to help wearers regain upper-limb function.
V3 of shoulderX exoskeleton from suitX includes new features to reduce worker strain
BERKELEY, Calif. — US Bionics Inc., doing business as suitX, this week announced the official launch of shoulderX V3, its third-generation wearable exoskeleton. The company said it is the world’s most advanced shoulder-supporting exoskeleton for use by automotive, construction, and shipbuilding workers. shoulderX augments its wearer by reducing forces at the shoulder complex, substantially reducing…
Industrial exoskeletons expand worker capabilities, to help healthcare
Many of the most visible demonstrations of exoskeletons have been for assisting people with disabilities. However, limitations of weight, power, and cost have resulted in slow rates of adoption. In the meantime, the technology continues to advance, with industrial exoskeletons providing application experience. While the majority of today’s $130 million wearable robotics market is for…