Matarić is the Chan Soon-Shiong Chair and Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at USC, and a Principal Scientist at Google DeepMind
USC develops origami-inspired sensors for soft robotics
The USC team built a 3D structure of electrodes that converts stretch and release to a process of folding and unfolding.
8 new manufacturing automation projects picked by ARM Institute for $7.5M in funding
The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing, or ARM, Institute has selected eight new projects focusing on high-value ways to empower U.S. manufacturers using robotics and automation.
Children with autism could benefit from USC assistive robot
USC researchers developed personalized learning robots for children with autism and studied whether they could autonomously gauge the child’s engagement in long-term therapeutic interventions.
U.S. Robotics Roadmap calls for white papers for revision
The U.S. Robotics Roadmap is a guide to where robotics is going for government and industry. The team behind it is seeking community participation for the next revision.