The award supports the placement of the Virtuoso Surgical System at three of the participating research sites.
Johns Hopkins researchers set medical drone delivery record
With a 3-hour, 161-mile flight across the Arizona desert, researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine completed a record-distance medical drone delivery. During the flight, the drone’s payload system maintained the temperature of the human blood samples stored in a temperature-controlled chamber onboard, keeping them viable for lab analysis, according to the findings…
6 surgical robots that will surprise you
Researchers around the globe have created surgical robots for solutions to procedures that are generally invasive and time-consuming. Whether its eye surgery or even finding a vein to draw blood, healthcare practitioners face daunting tasks, but robots have made these procedures easier (as easy as the DaVinci makes it look when peeling a grape and…
Robotic limbs begin to revolutionize prosthetics
Prosthetic limbs are traditionally awkward, but biomechatronic advances and DARPA funding have led to refinements in sensors, power, and movement.