Researchers at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering developed a soft exoskeleton to help a person with Parkinson’s walk without freezing.
Sarcos Robotics will become publicly listed through a SPAC transaction
Sarcos announces that it will become publicly listed through a merger transaction with Rotor Acquisition Corp.
ReStore exo-suit donated by ReWalk to support stroke survivors at Brooks Rehabilitation
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the need for innovative systems for stroke rehabilitation, said ReWalk Robotics, which donated a ReStore exo-suit to Brooks Rehabilitation.
MATE-XT exoskeleton designed by Comau to be lightweight, adjustable, rugged
Comau said its new MATE-XT exoskeleton is designed to be resistant to environmental conditions, is EWS-certified for reducing biomechanical risk, and can provide a demonstrable ROI.
Guardian XO exoskeleton maker Sarcos Robotics raises Series C funding
Sarcos Robotics, which has been bringing its Guardian XO industrial exoskeleton to market, has raised $40 million and added members to its board of directors.
Sarcos Defense wins Marine Corps contract for Alpha version of Guardian XO exoskeleton
Sarcos Defense has won a contract for the Guardian XO Alpha exoskeleton, which is designed to multiply the wearer’s strength and be safe to operate for a full shift.
Robot Report Special Issue – Robotics Grippers, Industrial Exos, Jibo and More
Robotics topics covered in the The Robot Report special issue inserted into the August 2018 issue of Design World include: – Automatica 2018 Review – What’s Hot and what’s not at Europe’s largest robotics and automation event. – Industrial Exoskeletons Arrive – Exoskeleton systems designed for industrial work are now available, and more…