Capra says security and defense need innovation, and Custos will begin with its mobile platform for mine detection and removal.
RBR50 Spotlight: Capra Robotics bridges gap between VELUX’s indoor, outdoor logistics
In 2024, Capra Robotics introduced the Capra Hircus, an unique autonomous mobile robot (AMR) designed to navigate challenging terrain with ease.
Niels Jul Jacobsen, CEO, Capra Robotics
Niels Jul Jacobsen, CEO of Danish startup Capra Robotics, joins the show to discuss the company’s innovative mobile robotics platform. He also shares lessons learned from scaling and selling Mobile Industrial Robots, an AMR developer he founded in 2013.
Meet Denmark’s robotics companies of the year
Odense Robotics’ 300 members, made up of robot, automation and drone companies, nominated and voted for the winners.