Episode features conversations with two VC’s and explores robotics and AI investment trends.
ASTM developing testing standards for mobile manipulators
The ASTM International F45 committee is developing a new standard and an apparatus to test mobile manipulator precision.
MC600 combines UR cobot with MiR base for mobile manipulation
The MC600 is designed to handle heavier payloads for mobile manipulation using Universal Robots and Mobile Industrial Robots technology.
ASTM proposes standard for solar panel cleaning robots
ASTM International says the work item would help create a safer, long-lasting, and environmentally responsible solar panel cleaning industry.
Robotics Applications Subcommittee to explore new industries for ASTM International
ASTM’s F45.07 Robotics Applications Subcommittee will initially focus on robot uses in solar, construction, and agricultural sectors.
Field robotics with Stratom and inside standards at ASTM
In this episode, we learn what’s new with field robotics innovator Stratom Inc, and also dig into robotics standards.
IEEE launches study group to explore and develop humanoid robot standards
ASTM International’s Aaron Prather will chair the IEEE humanoid study group, which is open to other standards development organizations.
ASTM proposed standard to help maintain exoskeletons
Proposed standard will provide a systematic approach to testing that will help ascertain the seamless functionality of exoskeletons, guaranteeing alignment with design expectations.
ASTM International names new president, continues robotics standards work
ASTM International, which develops standards for robot and other technologies, named Andrew G. Kireta Jr. as its president.
Robotic Grasping and Manipulation Competition expands tracks in ninth annual session
There is $20,000 in prize money up for grabs at this year’s Robotic Grasping and Manipulation Competition.
ISO and ASTM define standard for additive manufacturing in construction
ISO and ASTM have defined an additive construction standard in what could be the first of joint efforts around robotics in that industry.
ASTM developing standards for assembly robots
Proposed standards will provide a reliable and repeatable means for testing assembly capabilities of robot systems.
ASTM legged robotics committee proposes new test method
ASTM International’s legged robotics subcommittee has proposed a new test method for disturbance rejection tested of legged robotics.
ASTM seeking members for legged robotics subcommittee
New subcommittee is developing standards and testing procedures to evaluate the performance of quadrupeds, bipedals and humanoids.
ASTM announces legged robotics subcommittee
ASTM International’s Committee on Robotics, Automation and Autonomous Systems recently approved the creation of a new subcommittee for legged robots.
ASTM developing standard for robot end-effectors
ASTM International announced that its developing a standard based on the grasp strength of robot end-effectors.
ASTM International forms group on robotic grasping and manipulation
The committee will initially develop standards for the performance of grasping-type end effectors, mobile manipulators and robotic assembly systems.
ASTM International proposes standards guide, center of excellence for exoskeletons
ASTM International is working on standards for assessing exoskeleton and exosuit usability.