Majority of adults prefer robotic home help to a care facility finds GA Tech survey. “Respondents preferred robots that could perform chores and didn’t much care if the robot wasn’t designed for chat although robots that could issue alerts to the owner or his/her doctor in an emergency found particular favor with the older group of respondents.”
Early therapy helps autistic kids says Time Magazine. Ten years ago, autism was rarely detected before ages 3 or 4. Now, with screening at 18 and 24 months, early detection is possible. Although there is much anecdotal evidence to the contrary, “little research exists on how to intervene effectively for children so young.”
Robotic surgery improves outcomes, decreases length of hospital stays, and reduces surgical complications and recovery times are findings of a multi-institutional study appearing in August issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. “Robotics is at least equivalent if not superior [to traditional surgical methodologies]
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