MegaBots says the long-awaited giant robot fight between its Mk. III and Team Japan’s KURATAS will take place in August 2017. The location of the giant robot fight isn’t being released to ensure no further delays.
It’s been a long time coming, but MegaBots is finally releasing more details about its giant robot duel with Japan.
MegaBots released a new YouTube video that says the fight is confirmed for August 2017. MegaBots to this point hasn’t released the exact date, which makes us a bit skeptical, and it’s also keeping the location secret so “there will be no more delays.”
MegaBots says the fight will be streamed live on both MegaBots‘ and Suidobashi Heavy Industries‘s YouTube channels.
Here’s the MegaBots statement that accompanies the YouTube video: “Doing this the right way took a year longer to plan and coordinate than we wanted, for a bunch of reasons. We’re keeping the location secret so we can guarantee there will be no more delays. Keep an eye out for more updates about the Mk.III and the Giant Robot Duel soon!”
Of course, MegaBots (Team USA) challenged Suidobashi (Team Japan) to the giant robot duel a couple of years ago. Team Japan accepted the challenge in June 2015, but things have been delayed since.
MegaBots has scraped the Mk.II robot for the all-new 16-foot-tall robot called Mk. III, a fully combat capable 12-ton, 430-horsepower steel crushing beast. MegaBots teased the Mk. III in December 2016 with the following video that shows it lift a car 12 feet in the air.
Team Japan has been working on a 9,000lb robot known as KURATAS.