I am often asked this question because I used to research and write 30+ articles about publicly-traded robotics companies each year. In addition to interesting stock activity, I also tabulated and charted the movement of those companies and reported and analyzed the results.
Currently, I write about fundings, acquisitions and IPOs each month but I don’t speak to the stock side of things. The hiatus is over. I intend to begin to post articles about publicly-traded robotics-related stocks as they become newsworthy or file to become publicly traded (there have been very few IPOs).
ROBO Global
In 2013 I co-founded a company with a couple of financial people which used my data to develop an index and licensed that index to some fund managers. In October 2013, ROBO, an ETF, went up on NASDAQ. You may remember the event: we used a robot to ring the NASDAQ closing bell on the day ROBO went live. In October 2014, a similar ETF, ROBG, went live on the London Stock Exchange.
As a consequence of being a partner and because of SEC regulations, I had to send everything I wrote about stocks and funds to compliance officers. It cost me time, money and angst, so rather than fight the situation, I stopped writing about stocks, indexes and funds.
UPDATED 6/20/2018: As I described above, it’s happened again. A disclaimer has been added to the bottom of this article in response to just such a compliance request.
Robo Global, the index company I co-founded, has licensees in the EU and U.S. and soon in Asia. Those licensees have over $500 million of AUM (assets under management). In less than 3-1/2 years those assets have grown from $5 million at launch time to $500 million today.
In 2015 and 2016 we gained a few competitors. One has already closed and another, in Japan, has over $1 billion in AUM – a figure ROBO Global aspires to beat!
For detailed information about our index, it’s holdings, and the European and U.S. ETFs, go to the ROBO Global website: ROBOGlobal.com.
Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Fund’s full or summary prospectus, which may be obtained at www.roboglobaletfs.com. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Exchange Traded Concepts, LLC serves as the investment advisor, and Vident Investment Advisory, LLC serves as a sub advisor to the fund. The Funds are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co., which is not affiliated with Exchange Traded Concepts, LLC or any of its affiliates.
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