Cognex now sells an Airport Baggage Handling Identification Solution (ABH-ID), the first image-based automatic tag reader (ATR) system that overcomes the limitations of current laser-based baggage ID systems. Cognex technology provides significantly higher read rates over laser-based systems, reducing the costs associated with manual delivery of lost or late checked luggage.
Air travel is growing 8% annually, which is placing a significant burden on current baggage processing systems that have remained relatively unchanged for 30 years. The Cognex ABH-ID Solution uses proven, airline industry-recognized technology that reads codes that are traditionally difficult to decode and offers high read rates even at critical junctions such as transfer lines, where tags frequently sustain damage from the airplane loading and unloading process.
“Until now, reading transfer tags has been difficult due to damage incurred during numerous handlings of each bag. We have designed an identification and tracking system that provides the performance benefits of image-based readers that is competitively priced to laser-based systems,” says Jay Bouton, Cognex’s New Business Development Manager, Airport Baggage Handling. “Through field demonstrations on an international transfer line, Cognex was able to boost read rates up to 15% above the existing laser readers.”
This new solution from Cognex is especially important because the new International Air Transport Association Resolution 753, starting June 2018, will require all member airlines to demonstrate the acquisition and delivery of baggage at three points of the baggage journey: load, transfer and arrival. Each time the bag is handled the quality and readability of the tag could be compromised by smearing, scratching or exposure to weather. The ABH-ID Solution offers the exceptional ability to quickly and accurately read damaged tags. Fewer “no reads” means fewer bags miss their flights, which will increase total baggage handling system efficiency, reduce manual encode operations and improve customer satisfaction.
The Cognex ABH-ID Solution incorporates industry-leading DataMan® fixed-mount image-based barcode readers. Image-based readers have a solid-state design requiring virtually no maintenance, as opposed to laser scanners with moving parts that can wear out and fail. The solution also features patent-pending Xpand™ technology that provides the flexibility to fit into space-constricted environments. Xpand technology offers improved redundancy and increased field of view, which simplifies installation and reduces overall system cost.
The Cognex Airport Baggage Handling Identification Solution is available now. Cognex engineers are available to consult with airport facility managers, providing onsite demonstrations and free trial installations. For more information, visit
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