CapSen PiC 2.0 combines 3D vision, motion planning, and control algorithms into a single platform. | Source: CapSen Robotics
CapSen Robotics this week introduced the Version 2.0 release of its CapSen PiC software. The upgraded system features a new user interface and programmable artificial intelligence. The company said it designed the AI to tackle challenging high-mix, low-volume bin-picking tasks.
“Advances in ‘black-box’ AI algorithms for text and image generation have garnered a great deal of press lately, with some companies exploring their use within industrial automation,” stated Jared Glover, CEO of CapSen Robotics.
“Safety and reliability requirements in manufacturing require a more structured approach, however,” he added. “While CapSen PiC 2.0 leverages AI tools to improve its 3D vision and motion planning algorithms, it does so within a constrained framework that provides the user control and peace of mind that the robot will work exactly as programmed, every time.”
CapSen develops 3D machine vision and motion planning software for robotic bin-picking applications. The Pittsburgh-based company uses 3D cameras and proprietary alignment and machining learning algorithms to detect the positions and orientations of multiple objects in cluttered scenes. Glover and Mark Schnepf founded the company in 2014.
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CapSen makes PiC easier to set up and deploy
CapSen PiC 2.0 combines 3D vision, motion planning, and control algorithms. These give robots the ability to locate, pick, and manipulate objects in a range of different positions and orientations, even when they’re partially occluded or in tight spaces.
The software provides consistent and complete control of a robot, end effector, and 3D cameras within a robot cell, said the company. It claimed that this can greatly reduce the integration burden of deploying a bin-picking system.
In addition, it said CapSen PiC 2.0 features programmable AI techniques that enable high-mix, low-volume bin-picking tasks in manufacturing.
CapSen PiC 2.0 is a hardware-agnostic platform. Its motion-planning algorithms ensure collision avoidance while enabling fast and accurate parts picking, regrasping, and advanced tasks, according to the company. These tasks can include detangling and assembly of shiny metal objects, such as bolts, springs, and washers.
To ensure that the robot operates as intended with every cycle, CapSen is also providing a new user-friendly UI for setup, including part teaching, configuration, and calibration. The UI is also used for deployment, running, and debugging. With enhanced programmable AI capabilities and a powerful UI, Capsen designed its PiC 2.0 for modern manufacturing and warehouse applications that require flexibility.
“Automation applications today often need to quickly adapt to new or custom parts or products, and CapSen PiC 2.0 addresses this by offering an easy-to-use means to deploy accurate and reliable high-mix, low-volume pick-and-place applications,” said Glover. “When the need arises, companies can repurpose their bin-picking robot to accommodate a new part or product within a day.”
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