The lawsuit from Surgical Instrument Service centered around Intuitive Surgical’s programmed usage limits for its EndoWrist instruments.
Think Surgical collaborates with Signature Orthopaedics
The collaboration involves a SignatureOrtho knee design joining the Think Surgical ID-HUB, a proprietary data bank of implant modules.
Surgical robots don’t improve knee surgery revision rates, study says
An analysis of American Joint Replacement Registry data found that revision rates were similar in conventional and surgical robot knee procedures.
CMR Surgical CEO expects another year of growth
Over the past year, CMR Surgical has moved forward on several vital initiatives to set itself up for success.
10 surgical robotics companies to follow in 2024
Here is a list of 10 surgical robotics companies that continue to attract attention from our editors and audience.
Intuitive seeks FDA clearance for next-gen da Vinci 5 surgical robot
Intuitive said it has also initiated conversations about da Vinci 5 with regulators in Japan and South Korea
Microbot Medical is a step closer to an FDA IDE submission
Microbot Medical has completed a pivotal pre-clinical study of its Liberty endovascular robotic surgical system.
Vicarious Surgical cuts 14% of staff
The layoffs will reduce cash burn and boost R&D spending to get a quality robotic surgery system “out the door fast.”
CMR Surgical, J&J partnering on surgical robotics
Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon business unit will sell CMR’s surgical robotics system to select hospitals in Italy, France, Germany and Brazil.
CMR Surgical installs 100th Versius surgical robotics system
There are now Versius robots in operation across Europe, Asia, Australia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Titan Medical to start manufacturing Enos systems later this year
The goal is to commercially launch Enos in early 2025 after securing a De Novo market authorization from the FDA.
Surgical robotics maker Intuitive misses mark in Q2
Intuitive warned COVID-19 will likely continue to have an adverse impact on da Vinci procedure volumes.
Former Mazor Robotics VP accused of insider trading
Ron Tavlin allegedly informed a friend about Medtronic’s impending acquisition announcement of Mazor Robotics in 2018.
Moon Surgical raises $31.3M for robotic surgery system
Moon Surgical closed its Series A funding round with $31.3 million to accelerate the development of its Maestro robotic surgical system.
Intuitive collaborating with Creo Medical to enhance surgical robots
The deal will make certain Creo surgical technologies compatible with the surgical robotic giant’s systems.
J&J must face lawsuit in $3.4B Auris Health acquisition
Lawsuit alleges J&J executives misrepresented their intentions when it acquired Auris Health for $3.4 billion in 2019.
Vicarious Surgical going public via $1.1B SPAC deal
Vicarious Surgical will go public through a $1.1 billion special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) deal, the robotic surgery pioneer announced. Vicarious, which has sought to bring robotics and virtual reality to minimally invasive surgery, will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol RBOT after the merger with D8 Holdings. Hong Kong–based D8…
Stryker acquires OrthoSensor to enhance Mako surgical robots
Stryker said OrthoSensor’s Verasense intraoperative sensor technology will further boost Mako surgical robots, enhancing workflow through one complete data-driven feedback mechanism.
FDA approves Think Surgical’s robotic knee surgery system
The newly-cleared version of the system features includes an enhanced pre-surgical planning user interface, quick-change tooling, improved surgeon accessories, and advanced bone model generation.
Smith+Nephew takes the road less traveled with its orthopedic surgical robots
British medtech giant Smith+Nephew chose a different path in the ortho surgical robotics space. One of its top robotics program leaders explains how it could make all the difference.
Titan Medical obtains robotic surgery patents for camera and gesture control
Titan Medical, which has been developing the Sport single-port robotic surgical system, has received U.S. patents for an in-body camera positioning system and hand gesture controls.
‘New’ Medtronic the goal of CEO Geoff Martha’s plans for surgical robotics maker
Geoff Martha, the new CEO of Medtronic, this week outlined plans for the medical device maker to gain leadership in robot-assisted surgical systems and other healthcare technologies.