Open house at UC Santa Barbara’s Allosphere Research Facility was like an adult 3D experience. An amazing (trippy) way of visualizing and exploring multi-dimensional input on a massive IMAX-like hemispheric screen in an attempt to gather additional insight from overwhelmingly complex data.
Grad students (mostly foreign) displayed various augmented reality apps, vision systems and simulation methodologies.
Good turnout of students, educators and interested business people.
Illustrates EAST/WEST opposing trends in STEM education: start young, work hard and long, follow an academic/STEM plan and compete, versus Montessori (self-centered) start, reduced school hours and guidance, quickest route to high-paying jobs, and partying (which is the way American students are perceived all over Asia).
“NextGen Education and Research Robotics” by Robotics Trends, Wednesday, March 10, free, attempts to cover the topic in an all day webinar.
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